Photographer Rules

  • All photographers must be approved and follow the procedure.
  • All photographers regardless of experience will need to attend the media meeting. (Drones have a separate one, more info below)
  • Media must always be wearing their high-visibility vests when out on the track photographing.
  • Photographers are expected to use cameras, not cellphones, for photography.
  • There are yellow dashed lines in danger zones, photographers need to stay behind them.
  • All photographers need to be at least 15 or older, if 15-17, you will need a parent present. Once you’re 18, no parent is needed, you're an adult.
  • In order to access the innermost part of the track, you must ask the flagger, they are the controller of the track. Once they say it is ok, you are allowed to go. If we see you run across the track at any point without permission, you may lose your media privilege.
  • Please be aware of the staff trucks, and try to stay out of congestion zones (like in the dead center)
  • If you see a drone land and it’s beeping, it needs to be flipped over, please flip it over and wait for a pilot to come to retrieve it, they don’t always know where the drone lands, so your eyes could help prevent a very expensive mistake!
  • If you can no longer make it to an event and you are on the list, please give us the common courtesy of letting us know as soon as possible.

Spotter Rules

  • You are expected to have a high visibility vest and watch out for your photographer.
  • Please familiarize yourself with our photographer rules, they will apply to you as well.
  • You are expected to stay with the media person you are spotting during the event.

If we see ‘spotters’ who are not actually assisting their media person, and are just entering under that, they will be removed from the spotter list, and will be charged for a spectating pass.

Drone Rules

  • All drones must be approved and follow the procedure.
  • All pilots must download either the Aloft app or the B4UFLY app, both are provided by the FAA to monitor airspace.
  • Drone pilots are required to have a part 107 license.
  • All pilots must follow part 107 rules as listed by the Federal Aviation Administration.
  • All drone operators and spotters must be over 18.
  • You are forbidden from flying over pedestrians (part 107).
  • You must attend the drone meeting prior to events starting.
  • Every pilot will have their channel to fly on, this will be decided amongst yourselves at the meeting, which is why you are required to be there.
  • Drones are required to take off from the designated area, which is to the left of the flagger booth. There will be signs as well to show where to take off.
  • No unplanned tandem flight — keep a good distance from other drones.
  • You will need to be in communication if there are other pilots that day, as a bonus, you might make a new friend!
  • There are no drones in the pits unless previously cleared by staff. Drones are to be walked over to the designated area and flown from there.
  • Any damage to the drone, cars, or people is solely the responsibility of the drone operator and the damaged party. Spirit Peaks Raceway is not liable for any actions performed.
  • If you can no longer make it to an event and you are on the list, please give us the common courtesy of letting us know as soon as possible.

No-Call/No-Show rule applies to Drone Pilots especially, we allow very few drones on the property at once for safety reasons.

Collapsible content

Reposting Guidelines

We get tagged in quite a lot of media so we figured it was about time to put out some guidelines of what we will repost to our pages so there isn’t any confusion for those who do not get shared

What will never be reposted:

  • Videos/posts with music that contains cursing, slurs or derogatory language. Any words that are on cable or radio are perfectly fine for us.
  • Posts that show vehicle crashes
  • Any posts/stories where our rules or the actual law is being broken

for example: posting that you’re SPR bound from behind the steering wheel of a moving vehicle.

Show us your rig/car at the gas station, please don’t risk your life or others’ for a IG story.

Terms Of Service

Please read the media procedure before applying

Thank you!

The yearly and spotter applications must be filled out on or before the Thursday before the open drift to be added to the media list.

Media badges are not guaranteed until you have received confirmation of your status on the event’s list from us.

Please keep an eye on your inbox for any emails regarding your application.

We have a limited number of media slots. Priority may be given to those who apply early, but it is not a guarantee.

We reserve the right to deny future media requests for those who are no-call/no-shows.

It’s really not cool, we only have so many spots, and it only takes a second to let us know.

Step 1

Apply For Media

  • You’ll need to fill out the google form that is linked at the end of this procedure.
  • Once you are added to the yearly list start at step two for all future events for the calendar year
  • We audit every application, if we have any questions we will email you, so please keep an eye on your inbox!

Step 2

Gain Clearance For Event

Your yearly application [step 1] must be approved for you to move on to this step.

Do not send this request until you have completed step 1.

  • Email us at and let us know you want to get on the list for the upcoming event.
  • We do not have lists for events beyond the upcoming date. Requests will be tossed if sent for events beyond the upcoming date.

Include your first & last name and social media @

If you would like us to share only your @, please indicate that in your email, but we still need your name. Event requests need to be in before the end of the business day on the Friday before the open drift. You need to have a confirmation from us in order to be on the list.

Step 3

Attend The Event

*Remember your high-vis vest, you cannot go on the track without it*

  • Once you have signed in and notified the gate personnel of your media status, they will give you a clearance badge. Please return these at the end of the event.
  • Your badge is used to notify the flagger that you are a certified media professional. The special phrase that tells me you read everything is Lobster.
  • This badge will allow you (and your spotter) to enter the inner portions of the track to work your magic. Please remember your spotter needs to be with you when you want to go out, as they won’t have a badge.

!!! THANK YOU !!!

  • 2025 Photographer Application

    On track photographers need to have a bright [orange/yellow/pink] colored vest.

    Red is not allowed.

  • 2025 Drone Application

    Drone Media need to have a bright vest, we would like drones to have blue vests. If you cannot find blue, orange is okay too.

    Red is not allowed

  • 2025 Spotter Application

    Spotters need a bright [orange/yellow/pink] colored vest.

    Red is not allowed.